Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Ward-Chappell Betrothal

Out of the treasure chest comes Addison and Mary Helen's wedding album. The date was June 12, 1954. 
Andrew can't say much about what went on that day, since he did not arrive until two years later. It does look like everyone had a good time.  

The parents of the groom, Frank Hawley and Clayla Ward.

The parents of the bride, Vere and Edith Chappell.


  1. WOW! Just wow! This is the only picture I have of my grandfather. Thanks for posting this!

  2. Thank you Uncle Vere! I'm glad you liked them. There are more—we'll be posting them, especially since you've expressed interest..

    We welcome any help identifying and connecting to people pictured.

    -Andrew and Dori

  3. Actually it's cousin Vere (Bogie) ...

  4. That makes more sense! We didn't quite understand your comment, but it was obviously positive so we were stoked. I always called our grandfather Chappy—I bet you guys did too. As I recall he was some kind of electrical engineer...maybe for the railroad? I remember he knew morse code, and made a lot of stuff for us kids. Thanks Chappy!
    We're glad you're reading! Thanks Bogie!
